Designing, constructing and execution of grain dryers

An indispensable condition of the safe and long term storage is the proper moisture content of the grain. The dryer installed into the technologic line performs continuous drying so the grain moisture content reaches the level suitable for safe storage.

The construction, operating parameters and control of H-TECH dryers manufactured by our company are continuously developed to make the machine suitable for the following demands on the highest level:

  • drying capacity adaptable to the actual plant size
  • lowest possible quality degradation during the drying process
  • low energy consumption
  • low environmental impact
  • simple operation
  • low investment and maintenance costs
  • proper scaling feature

In addition our important aim is to adapt the equipment to the grain types and harvesting technologies used in Hungary and in the neighbouring countries, and to the capacity and to other multiple kinds of requirements of the farming companies of various sizes and profiles.

New technological features of H-TECH dryer:

  • Special grain column
  • Modular design
  • Fan installation at multiple locations
  • Thermal recovery system
  • Innovative dust control
  • Continuous unloading

The dryer consists of modules, which easily can be put to each other, determining the size, so the capacity of the dryer. So the dryer can be can made nearly in any size, providing solution from the smaller farming plants up to the great factory farms.

From our grain dryers references

Contact our staff with any questions

Hollósi László

sales manager

Csabai Viktor

sales and marketing

Rácz Attila

sales engineer

Borics Miklós

sales engineer

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