Our grain dryer and handling systems are offered with full automatic and individually developed control system with the following main features:
Similarly to the widely spread complex systems this control also consists of two main parts:
For PLC control we use Omron CPH-1 or Schneider TM258 CPU or similar units.
These control units are proven on the field of capacity, dependability and of course they are a good value for money either in our equipment or in other professional industrial devices.
The complete configuration is formed by the individual requests of our customers, as the PLC control software is developed by our company according to the formerly mentioned aspects.
Main tasks of the PLC system:
Main tasks of HMI system:
Our HMI systems run on Windows based industrial PCs.
Operation and handling of our HMI systems is easy and safe due to the continuous development, with continuous operation control based on the moisture control from the real time inflow & outflow moisture sensing.